
Electrons,Which are positively charged, and protons, which are negatively charged.Physicists cannot only imagine such particles; they have actually detected them and measured their properties .Such particles as positive and negative protons are called antiparticles.
The first of the antiparticles discovered was the positive electron or proton.It was predicted before it was actually detected. In 1928 ,the British mathematical physicists P.A.M.Dirac formed a theory to explain the behaviour of electrons in a way, which would agree with the agree with the theory was completely unexpected. The theory predict that there should was completely of negative energy,We everywhere,they would not ordinarily be detectable suppose, however,that an energetic gamma-ray photon gave one of these energy to lift it to a condition of positive energy. It would leave behind a hole(some what like the holes in the transistor).According to the theory,the hole would behave like a particle with a positive charge and with a mass equal t that the electrons-a positron.Thus the gamma ray photon would have produced a pair of observable particles an electron and a positron.

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